Answering Biting Questions About Wisdom Teeth Growth And Removal

Third molars are more often called "wisdom teeth" because they show up in the mouth a lot later than the other teeth—when a person is older and wiser. These deep-set jawline molars may have served a purpose for ancient humans, but it is all to common for them to cause problems instead. However wise you may be when your wisdom teeth make an appearance and start causing problems, there is no question you will still be left with questions. [Read More]

3 Ways To Remedy A "Gummy" Smile

Your smile is often the first thing that people notice, so you want to ensure your smile is making a good impression. If you feel that your smile is a bit "gummy" (meaning that your gum line is lower than the average), there are some options available to correct the problem. Here are 3 ways a cosmetic dentist can help you rectify a gummy smile. 1. Gum Contouring Surgery An uneven gum line can be caused by many things, like prescription drug use or genetics. [Read More]

Dental Health Emergencies: The Proper Response To Common Tooth Related Problems

Most dental health problems will develop over the course of time. For instance, it can take several months or longer to develop a cavity that requires the attention of a dentist. However, there are also several dental health problems that can occur rapidly and may require immediate care in order to prevent serious consequences. Below you will learn how to properly respond to a few of these common tooth related problems. [Read More]

Making Dental Implants More Affordable

If you're in need of dental implants, the last thing you want standing between you and a healthy mouth is money. But at $1,500 to $7,500 per single tooth dental implant, cost can be a factor in whether or not a person is able to get the dental implants they want and need. Read on for several tips to help you find the most affordable option for dental implants and begin your journey to a happier, healthier smile. [Read More]