Common Reasons For Using Sedation Dentistry

If you feel uncomfortable going to the doctor's office, you are not alone. So many people share your feelings of discomfort that an entire branch of dentistry has been created to cater to individuals who, for various reasons, feel uncomfortable going to the dentist and undergoing dental exams, procedures and surgeries. Here are some of the most common reasons individuals choose sedation dentistry. #1  Extreme Anxiety Or Phobia One of the top reasons for using sedation dentistry is an extreme anxiety or even a phobia of going to the dentist. [Read More]

3 Things To Know About Accelerated Orthodontics

While many adults want straight teeth, there are some drawbacks to braces that they don't necessarily want to deal with. Many adults do not want to wait the typical two-year treatment period, or they do not want to be seen with a mouth full of metal and wires. Because of these drawbacks, accelerated orthodontics (oral surgery performed to loosen and move the teeth, speeding up the straightening process) are being used to do exactly what their name implies--accelerate the teeth-straightening process. [Read More]

3 Ways to Help Your Child Avoid a Toothless Future

If most of your family members wear dentures by the time they turn 40, you may be concerned about the health of your child's teeth. Even if his or her primary teeth are white and beautiful, decay can quickly transform them into dark, unsightly pegs. In addition, extractions can cause your little one to be left with missing teeth before it's time for his or her adult teeth to erupt. Here are a few ways to help your youngster avoid a toothless future. [Read More]

3 Things Seniors Should Know About Dental Implants

Tooth loss is a very common concern for seniors. While tooth loss is not the inevitability that many people assume it is, there are certain habits, health conditions, and medications that can make it more likely that you will begin to loose teeth as you age. For a long time, dentures were the go-to solution for seniors with tooth loss. Now, however, dental implants are an increasingly popular option. Here is what you need to know about getting dental implants in your golden years. [Read More]