4 Things To Know Before Whitening Your Teeth

One way to feel your best and be as self-confident as possible may involve having whiter teeth. This can be simple to do by just scheduling a teeth whitening appointment. Taking time to whiten your teeth can allow you to have the better looking smile. Of course, you will want to be aware of some things you should do before paying a professional to complete this job for you. Get a dental cleaning [Read More]

Short-Term Braces For Adults: Are They Right For You?

For many young adolescents, getting metal braces to correct tooth alignment is a very common right of passage. The traditional braces are made from metal wires that are guided through metal brackets on the teeth that are gradually tightened every few months. However, it is becoming very common for adults to get braces for a variety of reasons. Some adults get braces to correct his or her bite. An uneven bite can lead to pain not only in the jaw, but also pain in the head, neck, and shoulders. [Read More]

Worried About Your Teeth? 4 Steps To Keep Your Teeth Healthy As You Age

If you're over the age of 40, it's time to start paying more attention to your teeth. The natural aging process can wreak havoc on your teeth. In fact, as you age, your teeth become more susceptible to cavities, tooth decay, and even gum disease. Unfortunately, if you don't take care of your teeth, you could end up with premature tooth loss. Luckily, that doesn't have to happen. Here are four steps you can take to keep your teeth and gums healthy as you age. [Read More]

2 Flossing Options

When you see your dentist, they always ask you if you've flossed your teeth. It's a standard question and one that a lot of people fudge their answer about. They may tell their dentist that sure they floss daily when they really mean three times a week, or daily for the few days leading up to their appointment, or daily when they remember to. Your dentist knows when you fudge those answers because they can see the evidence of it on your teeth. [Read More]